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4 Listicle Ideas When You Are At “Writers Block”

Stuck out of ideas? This list will have the most interesting topics to that all of those BuzzFeed bingers will enjoy.

By Alec Krsek

Let’s say, hypothetically, you are in a WR 121 class and live in Central Oregon, hypothetically. It’s a cold and windy Monday night. The next morning, you have a writing assignment due for that class. The assignment topic is about “listicles”. You have never even heard of listicles until you read the overview of this assignment. You do some research about listicles and conclude that it’s basically a listed article relating to a certain topic. The problem is that you have this assignment due the next morning and you haven’t even started. Well of course, the first thing you need is a topic/idea that your listicle will be written about. Sadly, you are at a writer’s block. Even though this is all hypothetical, you may have been in this exact same situation.

Of course, one of the hardest things to start with any writing project, including listicles, is finding an idea or topic for your project. There are so many topics to write about in a listicle that you almost can’t even think of any ideas with the vast number of topics available. To even make a listicle, you need a main idea/topic for a listicle. So, on the first step for your assignment, you are already stuck. Well, if you need an idea for a listicle, you might as well make a listicle about ideas for your listicle.

1. Reasons to Get Immersed in Nature

Nowadays, everyone is stuck inside glued to their devices. Sometimes, you need to unwind and disconnect from electronics to really take in the beauty of our world. Nature itself is underestimated and forgotten about. Everyone is stuck on their phones or binge watching their favorite Netflix shows that they forget how amazing nature is. If you go outside and take a small walk you will feel so much better. It is great for calming you down in this busy and stressful world. The benefits of nature and going outside isn’t some sort of placebo, there are scientific research behind it. From a quick google search, you will get an article from WebMD that list many benefits from improving sleep to bettering your immune system. Nature is great for not only your body, but also your mind.

2. Best Video Games of All Time

Throughout the past few decades, video games have also been popular and relevant. There is a video game for everyone out there in the world, from the classic Mario games or to the adrenaline inducing Call of Duty franchise. Over the past year or two, the video game industry has received a massive boom due to Covid-19. Right now, is the best the video game industry has ever been and if you love making listicles on Reddit, Pinterest, 4Chan, or your favorite internet forum site, this is a great topic due to the massive amount of people engaged in the video game industry. If you ever make a listicle about your personally favorite video games or video games that are rated through a rigorous testing process, you are sure to get some engaging readers. Especially if you have their favorite game on your list, they are sure to comment on your post.

3. Brutal Reasons Why Your Still Single

Trying to make a popular listicle post/thread? Well relationship related topics are sure to get you a good number of eager readers that trying to land a girlfriend/boyfriend. Buzzfeed even has their own “love” related category. During rough times in your life have you ever googled “How to get a girlfriend/boyfriend” or “Reasons to get a girl/boy to like me?”. Yes? No? Even if you haven’t there are lots of depressed tweens or teenagers in puberty wondering why they still haven’t got in a relationship yet. So, while they are laying in bed at midnight, probably on a Thursday night, opening Safari on their iPhone 11’s their mom got them for their 13th birthday, to then search up “Why am I still single?”. After that google search, they get results for hundreds of websites with listicles relating to relationship topics. So, if you are ever trying to make a popular listicle thread to get lots of readers, doing something related to relationships will sure get you lots of sad tweens/teenagers that got rejected by their first crush. Poor kids.

4. (Insert number of pictures) Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Have you ever been scrolling through YouTube late at night and stumbling upon videos named like “Videos that Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity”? If you haven’t, these videos include a wide variety of topics, mostly relating to animals and small children. Such as a man going into a river to save a dog during a flood, a firefighter saving a stuck kitten during a raging fire, etc. These videos basically show things that really tug on your heart strings. Instead of watching a YouTube video about “restoring your faith in humanity”, why not have it in a readable format. Writing a listicle about this topic may even show you wonders about our humanity. Which is great because than you see amazing people out there in the world that outweigh the poor mistakes you have done in society throughout your life. Besides that, listicles about “Restoring faith in humanity” should do great on your favorite internet forums sites. Don’t kittens stuck in a storm drain being saved by humans really make your heart feel good? If you are a normal person, you would say yes. That is exactly why people love watching these videos.

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2 comentários

26 de out. de 2021

This is a great topic, couldn't decide on one, just do it about them all


26 de out. de 2021

I like your intro and images.

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