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Hometown of Sisters Oregon

Who would have thought that the day that I got stripped from everything that I loved would be the best decision ever made for me. Never would I have thought that I would grow so close to the city of sisters Oregon but here I am. When my parents decided that our little town of Hubbard Oregon was slowly going downhill they thought that it would be best if we moved down to sisters and the only way that me and my brother really wanted to at all was because we were promised a new puppy, since our previous yard couldn't have handled a puppy before. So with the promise in mind, and leaving friends, family, memories, and an amazing baseball field, we set off to pack up our bags and move away. That is before we realized that the market was so high that our house sold in three days and all we could find was a rental house for the time being. So with a whirlwind of events from one after the other, as well as a full year in a rental house we had finally found a reasonable house for our family that would sustain a dog. Fast forward a year we finally went up to Vancouver Washington and found ourselves a baby springer spaniel. This is now the loved dog that we have had for eight years straight with many memories with it. Soon we would find ourselves in all different kinds of sports, involved in a church, with an amazing community around us. In the end who would have ever thought that a silly little promise would be the best thing to ever happen to us.

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