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Photo Essay: Autumn in Bend OR

Living in Bend for almost fifteen years I've gotten a pretty good idea of the drastically changing seasons here and by far my favorite is Autumn. From long and hot summer days to cool short days you really get the sense that winters coming. Also the beautiful trees that are changing colors is truly amazing, from greens and browns to bright reds, yellows and oranges. Not to mention, this time of year the best holidays start to roll in, from Halloween to Thanksgiving. All of these things show people why the fall season is the best season.

This is a special time of year for me because it starts to bring out my inner kid. Now that I'm technically an adult I never seem to have as much fun as I did when I was young and this season always brings it out of me. The cold weather instantly reminds me of Thanksgiving and Christmas, my favorite holidays. Also, it reminds me of the times I would play in the huge mounds of snow after a mellow day at Elementary school. All an all this time of the year always raises my spirits due to it reminding me of the god old days.

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