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Photo Essay: Downtown Bend Architecture

Downtown Bend is a chaotic, yet peaceful place. Walking through the streets with vintage aesthetic buildings selling all different types of goods from clothing to candy is simply just relaxing. During night, lights shining from all different angles and colors, you can truly enjoy the character that downtown Bend has. Even though its chaotic from the amount of people there on sunny weekends, it is still peaceful walking through the streets filled with unique architecture and design. If you are feeling hungry, you can fill up with different types of cuisine from Indian and Thai food to American grill and Italian food. Downtown Bend is truly chaotic, yet peaceful.

Downtown Bend is one of the most unique places in Central Oregon. There are so many aspects of downtown Bend that makes it unique, but the biggest thing that makes downtown Bend unique is the architecture and design. Almost every building looks different. They all have different architectural themes to make each building exclusive. Along with the architecture, buildings are also decorated accordingly to the theme. The art and decorations used for the building pairs so well with the architecture and design. Downtown Bend is just unique, including the diverse architecture, ranging from vintage all the way to modern.

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