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The Future of Television is Here....With Robots??

Netflix recently released a short film written entirely by a robot. Is this the future of the film industry?

Grace Stevenson 11/8/21

In a constantly evolving world, companies must keep on their toes to stay relevant. Netflix is no different. The producers and managers that work tirelessly to produce movies and shows to keep us entertained recently stepped up their game to make something that they had never done before.

Three weeks ago, at the beginning of October, Netflix released its first horror movie written exclusively by a bot. The movie is titled Mr. Puzzles Wants You to Be Less Alive. It is based off of the movie Jennifer's Body and carries several of the original characters into the newly made show.

The release of this revolutionary film begs the question: Is this film just the beginning? Does Mr. Puzzles Wants You to Be Less Alive demonstrate the direction that our future is heading in terms of the next step in the film industry?

The answer to this question lies with the people and our future generations. Technology can only advance as much as we let it, so how far will we let it go? If you value hard work and the advancement of people, then our future is guarded in terms of technology and film advancement. But if you value the rise of technology in the world, then we have a long, bright future ahead of us.

While in the end of the day the choice is yours, the path down which technology advancement is headed now, robots are inevitably our future.

Since the release of the first ever motion picture in 1895, written by Louis and Auguste Lumiere, different types of films have been sought after by not only the public, but also mainstream film and T.V. producers. Just recently, several producers have taken to a brand new field: artificial intelligence. By having the robot listen to several hundred hours of films of the same type, the robot is able to piece together a movie using similar characters and plot lines from the movies that it reviewed.

Mr. Puzzles Wants You to Be Less Alive is one of only a few movies where the script is written solely by robots. While several other people have produced similar pieces, such as a Christmas movie, a Halloween movie, a comedy movie, and even a stoner movie, Mr. Puzzles Wants You to Be Less Alive is the first horror type film to be made.

The film industry started with just the bare essentials: a camera and a subject to film. As it grew in popularity and as it began to accumulate a high dollar value in society, production companies had no choice but to meet the demands of the people. The first radical development in technology in the film industry was in the introduction of color. In 1906, just 11 short years after the release of the first public film, the people were already antsy and itching for more. To appease the needs of the public, producers reached to the next best thing: color. This cycle has been going on since the beginning of the industry. First color, then sound, then television. The introduction of television was revolutionary as it allowed companies to reach a large demographic of people all at once.

Not only did television supply a popular route for product companies to reach their intended audience, but it also made a way for younger generations to find something new that they may be interested in. technology? With newer minds and fresh ideas circulating, current developments are bigger and better than ever. Just look at how computer generated images have evolved over the last 15 years! The rate of evolution makes one thing apparent: improvement never slows down.

Robots have slowly been integrating themselves into our lives. It starts with something as simple as a robotic vacuum cleaner, and then soon they are driving our cars for us. It is even estimated that robots will be intertwined into our workplaces, Amazon has already started to replace human workers with over 200,000 robotic workers, working to eliminate the necessary hassle of dealing with employees.

In 2018, professional film companies began to introduce robots in the workplace environment in small increments, having them perform seemingly insignificant tasks, such as lighting and focusing the camera at certain angles. Their ability to perform any required tasks without complaining and meet standards to the highest degree added to their raw appeal.

The introduction of robots into the Netflix workforce marks the road for others to follow. All it takes is one successful event for others to follow in their footsteps. As time passes it is inevitable that we will improve, but one thing is for certain: the best is never good enough.

13 views3 comments


Nov 09, 2021

Great job. It was very informative and clearly you put a lot of effort into it.


Nov 09, 2021

this would be something scary and cool to see in the future but amazing research. i can tell you put some time and work into it


Nov 09, 2021

You have a great subject, I love the large amount of info you gave.

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